Letter from Swannie: Spring/Summer 2024

PHOTO: Partnership at work! Staff from Greater Portland Health, Maine Medical Center, and Preble Street recently celebrated the one year anniversary of recuperative care in Maine

Anti-poverty work is far too important and complex to expect any one organization to be able to do it alone. Partnerships and collaboration are key. I was amazed when I counted up the organizations that Preble Street partners with right now and came up with more than 220!

This collaboration is critical to each and every one of our programs. Without partners, we would not be able to keep 85 people permanently housed in Site-based Housing First buildings with plans to grow that number in Portland and other parts of the state. Without partners, we would not be able to help hundreds of the most vulnerable Mainers connect
to shelter, healthcare, detox beds, and basic needs. Without partners (and volunteers!), we would not be able to create 2,000 meals every day and get that food to the people who need it most. Without partners, we would not have secured permanent and/or supportive housing for 188+ individuals in the past nine months.

Preble Street is just one piece of the puzzle to solve hunger, homelessness, and poverty in Maine. To find solutions to these big systemic problems, we need everyone working together.

You are also a piece in this puzzle and I thank you for your support. Preble Street and community partners truly cannot do this critical work without the support and love of our community.


Mark Swann
Executive Director