Chris Costa of News Center Maine joins us in conversation with our partners:
- Equality Community Center
- Greater Portland Health
- Immigrant Legal Advocacy Program
- Maine Needs
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
5:00 – 7:30 pm
Maine Studio Works, 170 Anderson Street, Portland, ME 04101
Get Directions!
Have you been looking for ways to put compassion into action? Please join us for a one-of-a-kind hands-on event inspired by work happening right now in our community to create solutions for homelessness and hunger in Maine. Through conversation and action-based programming, we will roll up our sleeves and encourage each other in how we – compassionate community members – can be part of the solution.
Stay for as long as you would like – stop by for a few minutes or join us for the whole event! Listen to a presentation, engage with other community members, or take part in one of the interactive activities happening throughout the evening. This is a family-friendly event. We hope you will leave with a renewed sense of hope and the tools to put your compassion into action.
Optional hands-on activities will include assembling warming and cleaning kits with Maine Needs, signing postcards and making calls to legislators guided by Preble Street and ILAP, and a community art project with Equality Community Center.
Thank you to our generous sponsors for helping to make this event FREE to attend. We kindly request pre-registration:
Learn more about Preble Street at 50
The power of advocacy
For 50 years, Preble Street has advocated for keeping people in Maine fed, sheltered, and housed. We are deeply committed to lifting up the voices of marginalized and underserved populations, bringing people together to focus on solutions, and ensuring that everyone in our state has food, clothing, and shelter. As a social work agency, we
Feeding, housing, and sheltering more people than ever before
For 50 years, Preble Street has been here – expanding far beyond a handful of social work interns in Portland to more than 325 full and part-time staff and programs that touch every county in Maine. Preble Street is just one piece of the puzzle to solve hunger, homelessness, and poverty in Maine. To find
Compassion in action: Preble Street at 50
“If you can’t get what you need, we’re here,” was the message Joe Kreisler wanted people experiencing poverty to hear when he founded High Street Resource Center (the organization that evolved into Preble Street) in 1975. For 50 years, Preble Street has been here – expanding far beyond a handful of social work interns in