Statement from Preble Street
Preble Street is appalled by the horrific display of terrorism and white supremacy that took place at the U.S. Capitol Building yesterday. As an anti-poverty human services agency that is committed to promoting social justice and dismantling structural inequality, we believe and have seen firsthand that peaceful discourse and demonstration is the most effective path
Thanks to your advocacy and love, the City of Portland Planning Board voted to approve the conditional use application for the Preble Street Wellness Shelter last night! THANK YOU to all who wrote or called in and voiced your support for your neighbors in need! Over 1,000 of you spoke up to ensure that
Portland approves plan for new shelter
Portland Press Herald The Portland Planning Board voted unanimously Tuesday night to approve Preble Street’s request to convert its former resource center in the city’s Bayside neighborhood into a 40-bed emergency shelter. The board heard more than two and a half hours of public comment and received hundreds of emails, mostly in support of the
ACTION ALERT: Act before January 1 to save people from living outside
At a public hearing NEXT WEEK on Tuesday, January 5 the City of Portland Planning Board will vote on the Preble Street conditional use application to open a permanent, specialized 24/7 Wellness Shelter at 5 Portland Street. Thank you to everyone who made their voices heard at the Planning Board workshops in October and early December. This
#SayYes to saving lives!
Preble Street says YES. Yes, we will accept you for who you are. Yes, we will look deeply to see your best self, and to see your potential. Yes, we will work with you to build bridges to the resources you need. Yes, we will sit with you at the foot of the bridge until
Preble Street Goes Virtual For Annual Homeless Persons’ Memorial Vigil
Maine Public Preble Street Goes Virtual For Annual Homeless Persons’ Memorial Vigil By NORA FLAHERTY Sixty-four people died in Portland while homeless in 2020. That’s according to the human services nonprofit Preble Street, which is holding its annual vigil virtually on Monday. Caitlin Corrigan, health services director at Preble Street, says the pandemic and recession have
Long nights ahead for people experiencing homelessness
Portland Press Herald Our View: Long nights ahead for homeless in Maine’s largest city Rising poverty is symptom of the COVID crisis, stressing services for those in need. BY THE EDITORIAL BOARD We have grown used to the grim statistics of COVID, as we follow trends of new cases and death tolls to measure the progress
Annual Homeless Persons’ Memorial Vigil
On Monday, December 21 — the longest night of homelessness — we will be holding a virtual Homeless Persons’ Memorial Vigil at We’ll share the names of the people we lost this year, a prayer from Grace Street Ministries, music from people experiencing homelessness, and more. The life expectancy of our friends who endure
Permanent housing for 56 veterans and their families
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Jen Tibbals 207-775-0026 x1117 Preble Street Receives Grant from Disabled Veterans National Foundation PORTLAND, ME (December 11, 2020) Preble Street Veterans Housing Services (VHS) assists veterans and their families in finding and maintaining stable housing and works to end homelessness among veterans throughout Maine. VHS services include case management, intensive
Act now to save people from living outside
The only thing standing between 40 human beings and safety, food, hope, and professional social work services this winter and beyond is permission from the City of Portland to convert a Preble Street day shelter into a 24/7 Wellness Shelter. Like the highly successful shelter we operated over the summer at the University of Southern Maine Sullivan
#GiveHope this #GivingTuesday
Today is #GivingTuesday. By donating to Preble Street, you empower Mainers like Tommy on their journey to healing and hope, and help us connect more people to shelter, housing, food, support, and a healthier, happier future. Help us raise $100,000 to keep hope alive for our neighbors in need. Donate here. The first $50,000 is doubled thanks
Thank you to the 3,000 volunteers who throughout the COVID-19 crisis have lent their hands and hearts to the people Preble Street serves. With your help, Preble Street handed out 1,000 Thanksgiving food boxes — filled with turkey fresh produce and ample ingredients for a full holiday feast — and tomorrow we will deliver van