Letter from Swannie: Spring/Summer 2024
PHOTO: Partnership at work! Staff from Greater Portland Health, Maine Medical Center, and Preble Street recently celebrated the one year anniversary of recuperative care in Maine Anti-poverty work is far too important and complex to expect any one organization to be able to do it alone. Partnerships and collaboration are key. I was amazed when
27th Annual Muskie Access to Justice Award Winner: Mark Swann
The Hon. Edmund S. Muskie Access to Justice Award honors commitment to the public good, advanced through hard thinking, deep feeling, a voice of eloquent civility and a passion for justice. The award is presented each spring. In 2024, the Hon. Edmund S. Muskie Access-to-Justice Award was presented to Preble Street Executive Director Mark Swann
Carrying the values of Preble Street – Peter Adams
For the past 25 years, Peter Adams has been a fixture at Preble Street, helping to keep the buildings maintained, clients and staff safe, and the community clean. But, he’s done so much more for Preble Street than just his job duties – he’s been a friend to all who have come in our doors
Landlords are a part of the solution
To address homelessness and housing insecurity in Maine, the help and support of landlords is critical. Preble Street works closely with landlords to identify and maintain stable housing for clients. Their partnership is crucial to successfully housing people, who are transitioning from shelter or the street. Veteran’s Housing Services (VHS), in particular, frequently works alongside landlords
Going mobile and getting creative: Preble Street’s Street Outreach Collaborative
The Street Outreach Collaborative (SOC), Preble Street’s mobile outreach team, focuses primarily on people experiencing unsheltered homelessness, with the highest need. The SOC drives around Portland in a blue, Preble Street branded van, (you’ve probably seen it!) looking to meet basic needs and distribute nutritious meals to people. Basic needs are the foundation for a
Mental health and homelessness: get to know the facts
Although we don’t have a vaccine for mental health or substance use disorders, we do have practical and effective solutions. They are the effective and evidence-based practices we know work — access to treatment, harm reduction services, mental health support, peer support groups, and perhaps most importantly, educating our community to reduce stigma and promote
Understanding low barrier shelters
What does a low-barrier shelter look like? At a time when unsheltered homelessness is increasing exponentially in our community and the shortage of low-barrier shelter beds has created a state-wide homelessness crisis, Elena’s Way and Florence House are a model for how we can take care of the most vulnerable people in our community. The
Teen Services opens Transitional Living Program in Biddeford
The sun is peaking through the clouds on an overcast March day, and boots can be heard squishing and squealing in the muddy ground. The Preble Street Teen Services team move furniture into the building that will become Preble Street’s new site-based Transitional Living Program (TLP) for youth in Biddeford. The staff smiles and laughs, as
Celebrating advocacy wins
Low-barrier shelters receive funding for the next three years… On April 22, 2024, Governor Janet Mills signed the supplemental budget into law, which includes three years of $2.5M in annual funding — a total of $7.5M — to directly support emergency low-barrier shelters. This funding will be incredibly impactful for Maine’s five privately operated, low-barrier
Care starts in the Outreach Room at the Learning Collaborative
“Just having a safe space for somebody to enter into and have a conversation as well as get their basic needs met is so essential for relationship building.” Andrew Volkers (he/they), COVID-19 Mitigation Coordinator Andrew Volkers works at the Maine Medical Center-Preble Street Learning Collaborative, the Learning Collaborative for short, which provides low-barrier healthcare, care
URGENT – We need ongoing funding for low-barrier shelters!
Maine is experiencing a homelessness crisis, and our critical low-barrier shelters may close without sustainable and ongoing funding. The Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs just approved one-time funding for low-barrier shelters. We thank the AFA Committee for their support; however, emergency and low-barrier shelters need ongoing, annual funding to remain open and operational. We need
Community solutions for community problems
March is National Social Work month, and we are sharing some of the experiences of Andrew Bove (he/him), VP of Social Work at Preble Street. Below Andrew reckons with the challenges posed by the opioid epidemic, the COVID-19 pandemic, the housing crisis, and how these things have stressed an already disjointed and dysfunctional health system.