

Federal grant targets homeless veterans in Cumberland County

PORTLAND — The Preble Street Resource Center is accustomed to helping the homeless navigate local and state bureaucracies to get the assistance they need. Much of that help comes through either local general assistance programs, or through the state’s Department of Health and Human Services – systems the center knows well. But there is a

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New summer lunch programs open in Maine

83,000 Maine students are eligible for school lunch programs, but in many cases that food is only available during the school year. Now there are 10 new summer lunch programs opening up to help fill the gap. Those programs are opening up in community centers, town parks, and local churches. According to the US Department

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Program Provides Hungry Maine Kids With Food in Summer

Some 83,000 Maine children quality for free of reduced school lunches. But what happens to them during the summer break, when schools are out and cafeterias are closed? Well, according to estimates, only 15 percent of qualifying children get summer meals. Today in Portland, anti-hunger groups announced the expansion of efforts in southern Maine to

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Preble Street presents service awards

PORTLAND – Preble Street honored Hannaford with its Community Partner Award recently for its volunteer efforts in providing meals and donations. The Joseph D. Kreisler Community Impact Award went to Lucky Hollander of Portland. Hollander has dedicated her career to the prevention of child abuse and neglect. Lynne Goodwin of Portland, a volunteer of more

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Advocates: Loss of Eastland apartments is blow to homeless community

With burgeoning developments, inflating rents and increased competition over housing in Portland, it’s the city’s homeless population who stand to suffer, according to some affordable housing advocates. Since 2006, downtown Portland has lost over 100 affordable, rental homes without replacement, including 60 homes for women at the YWCA, seven apartments at 660 Congress St., and

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Portland shelter remembers those easily forgotten

PORTLAND – Every year, there are news reports about the deaths of homeless people, whether from natural causes or the result of accidents or crimes. Such was the case on May 17, when it was reported that 51-year-old David Westfall, of Portland, was struck and killed by a car shortly before 10 p.m. as he

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Community Organizing in the 21st Century

A follow up with the speaker from MECEP’s 5/4 Shepard Lee Lecture and one of the panelists who explored the challenges and opportunities of community organizing in the era of social media and shrinking urban hubs. Host: Christopher St. John, MECEP Executive Director Guest(s): Michael Gecan, Industrial Areas Foundation and Donna Yellen, Preble Street

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Affordable Housing Advocates Rally In Augusta

AUGUSTA — It is coming down to that time of year when the legislature must make some hard choices in order to balance the budget. That’s why advocates for low income housing and the homeless took their message to the statehouse Tuesday. They held a rally to protest proposed cuts to the state’s “home fund.”

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Homeless Voices For Justice host candidate's forum

Preble Street’s Homeless Voices for Justice program hosted Congressional candidate Chellie Pingree at a forum for voters earlier this morning. The forum took place in Preble Street’s dining room just after breakfast and was an opportunity for the agency’s consumers to ask questions and engage in dialogue with the candidate. The candidates’ forum is a key component

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Rally cry: 'We need housing'

PORTLAND – The city has lost more than 100 affordable rental units over the past five years and needs to clarify an ordinance meant to protect its housing stock, advocates for the homeless said at a rally today in Congress Square. Crafted during a housing crunch nearly 10 years ago, Portland’s housing replacement ordinance requires

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