Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation Announces the 20 Finalists for the Citizen Service Before Self Honors
WASHINGTON, Feb 28, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — The Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation today announced 20 finalists for the Citizen Service Before Self Honors, which recognizes and honors those ordinary Americans who become extraordinary through their indomitable courage and selflessness. Ten finalists have been selected for performing a single act of extraordinary heroism: — John
Scarborough troop provides a helping hand
This week 10 first- and second-grade students from Girl Scout Troop 1119 in Scarborough have cooked up a way to provide services to two Portland-based social service facilities, the Preble Street Resource Center Soup Kitchen and Florence House. "The girls are working on two badges. One being cooking skills. The other being community service. This
Demystifying the Nonprofit Sector for Students
Bowdoin held a symposium Friday, “Profiting from Nonprofit,” treating students to a lunchtime gathering of professionals working in the nonprofit sector. The four-hour symposium, funded by the Preston Public Interest Career Fund and coordinated through Bowdoin Career Planning, aimed to demystify the nonprofit sector for students and dispel a myth that nonprofit jobs don’t pay decent
Portland mayor hopes for alternatives to LePage's DHHS cuts
PORTLAND — As legislators in Augusta continue to work on solving state budget woes centered around a $221 million Department of Heath and Human Services shortfall, city officials remain on edge about how local services to the poor might be effected. “All the uncertainty that existed a week ago continues,” Mayor Michael Brennan said. Brennan
Veterans Services featured on Community Television Network's "Community Update"
Veterans Services coordinator Phil Allen discussed the issue of homelessness among veterans and the services Preble Street provides to veterans with Community Update’s Lesley MacVane.
Portland's Homeless Persons Annual Memorial Vigil
Portland’s Homeless Persons Annual Memorial Vigil is a time to remember our homeless friends who have died and to recommit ourselves to the task of ending homelessness. On the night of the winter solstice, the longest night of the year, a candlelight procession starts at the Preble Street Resource Center and proceeds to Monument Square where a memorial
'END HNGR' Time & Temperature Building Message Supports Preble Street
The Law Offices of Joe Bornstein is proud to support ‘Preble Street and ‘The Power of Sharing.’ For one week, Portland’s Time & Temperature Building will display the message ‘END HNGR’ to bring attention to Maine’s food insecurity crisis and honor Preble Street’s efforts to help this statewide problem. Food insecurity in Maine, which started to surge in
New MECEP Study: Only One in Ten Eligible Maine Children Benefit from Federal Summer Hunger Program
Augusta, Maine (Tuesday, November 22, 2011) — Only one in ten eligible Maine children currently benefit from free lunches under the federally funded Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) according to a new study released today by the Maine Center for Economic Policy (MECEP). The study, entitled "Child Hunger Doesn’t Stop with the School Year" by
Study: Majority of food pantry users in Maine have jobs but can’t cover bills
PORTLAND, Maine — Portland social workers, with the help of a university professor, are crunching the numbers on what they say may be the first in-depth study of food pantry users in Maine. Among the more striking early conclusions, said Donna Yellen, who is spearheading the effort, is the number of working people who still
Homeless shelter for teens given green light to move and expand
PORTLAND, Maine — The planning board on Tuesday gave approval for the relocation of a shelter for homeless teenagers and runaways from a breaking-down apartment building at 65 Elm St. to a former office building a few blocks away at 38 Preble St. The wide-ranging homeless advocacy group Preble Street — which runs a soup
Helping Families and Children Fight Hunger in Maine (podcast)
Panel discusses how Maine families and children struggle with hunger and how we can take advantage of the existing infrastructure and available federal funding to help reduce hunger, including the federal Summer Food Service Program, subject of a forthcoming MECEP report. Host: Connie Zhu, MECEP Policy Analyst Guest(s): Ned McCann, Vice President, Maine Children’s Alliance;
Survey: More Maine Working Families Relying on Food Pantries
A soon-to-be-released study indicates that a significant number of working families in Maine are reliant on soup kitchens and food pantries to meet their nutritional needs. The study of hundreds of families using food pantries in Cumberland County was undertaken by the Portland-based non-profit Preble Street. “Forty-two percent of the households we surveyed were working