Preble Street lauded for nonprofit works

…Preble Street earned the top rating of the 43 nonprofit groups in Maine rated by Charity Navigator, with a score of 99.17 out of 100. Preble Street operates with a $9 million budget, running homeless shelters and a food pantry in Portland, as well as various programs to help low-income and mentally ill people…   … Read more

Maine Calling: Maine Veteran Services

A look at some of the many services available to returning service men and women. Guests: Rob Liscord, Veteran Legal Services Outreach Coordinator, Paralegal, Pine Tree Legal Assistance John Ripley, Director, Military & Veterans Services, Easter Seals Maine Phil Allen, Preble Street Veterans Housing Services Coordinator Also, by phone, Peter Ogden with the Maine Bureau … Read more

Homeless improv group focus of 'drama therapy' talk

After a year of field research, the creators of "Off the Cuff," an improv theater group for the homeless, will present their findings at an upcoming college conference. Tommy Waltz, a student at the University of Southern Maine’s School of Social Work, came up with the idea of bringing weekly acting classes to clients of … Read more

Holy Thursday brings foot washing to Portland's Monument Square

Chris Kidder took off his shoes and socks inside Portland’s Preble Street social services center, slipped his tired feet into a plastic tub of warm, soapy water and smiled. Sitting opposite Kidder a few feet away, the Rev. Michael Seavey smiled right back. "Oh my God," said Kidder, 31. "I’m in heaven." He wasn’t the … Read more

Maine housing officials pushing for restored Section 8 vouchers to stem spike in homelessness

BANGOR, Maine – Maine groups that deal with housing and homelessness are joining counterparts across the country, pushing Congress to restore funding for Section 8 vouchers so individuals and families who are homeless or close to it can find a stable place of their own. In last year’s across-the-board $1 trillion federal spending cuts, known … Read more

Portland clinic to provide free legal aid to homeless

PORTLAND – People who are homeless will soon not have to also be lawyer-less. Volunteer attorneys, in partnership with Preble Street, are launching a free legal clinic for homeless individuals. The Maine Homeless Legal Project, announced at a press conference Jan. 9, is expected to be serving clients by April. Lawyers will meet with the … Read more

Maine Calling: Homelessness

Who are the homeless in Maine and how are they being helped? How many people in our state does homelessness affect, and what practical steps can be taken to help? Maine Calling host Jennifer Rooks was joined by Tom McLaughlin, research professor at University of New England, Mark R. Swann, MSPA, Executive Director of Preble … Read more

Dozens of lawyers join forces with judges to provide free legal help to Portland-area homeless

PORTLAND, Maine – Local political leaders, advocates for homeless people, attorneys and judges gathered in Portland on Thursday afternoon to launch a free legal clinic to serve the area’s homeless population. "Every day, we see people who would or could get out of the homeless shelters if they could just get clear of these lingering … Read more

Support being sought for new legal clinic

A group of New Orleans judges went to a soup kitchen in February 2002 to help serve a meal, and among them was Judge Jay Zainey, of the U.S. District Court. Zainey served the patrons a meal but still left feeling empty. He thought he could do more for the city’s homeless individuals."We as lawyers … Read more