Baby boomers with no place to call home

Charles Jones sleeps every night in the Oxford Street Shelter’s "medical dorm," so called because the room is reserved for up to 16 men in poor health. He’s 55 years old, the average age of the men in the room. They’re allowed inside the shelter a half-hour early, so they can avoid the long lines … Read more

89-year-old appreciates shelter, but longs for own home

Viola Silver, who turns 90 in May, spent two weeks in December at Maine Medical Center being treated for pneumonia and a lung infection. When the hospital discharged her, she says, it paid a cab to take her home – to the Oxford Street Shelter. "You have to thank God you have a place to … Read more

Is Portland ‘too attractive’ to homeless people?

PORTLAND, Maine – The homeless population in Portland is swelling, with nearly 25 percent more people seeking shelter this fall than even the historically high numbers seen a year ago. That increase and the expectation by Portland Department of Health and Human Services leaders that the numbers will continue to climb well into 2013 are … Read more

What Does It Mean to be Poor?

We continue our "What Does It Mean" series with a look at What Does It Mean To Be Poor? Host Keith Shortall was joined by: Bill Burns, Adult Day Shelter Services Coordinator – Preble Street Dee Clarke, Advocate with Homeless Voices for Justice – Preble Street  

Dining and decorating at Preble Street

Holiday parties are all about food, music and gifts, and for many of us who are guilty of taking our good fortune for granted, not always in that order. They’re about getting together with like-minded people and celebrating in style. They’re about appreciating what we’ve been able to give, and about what’s being given to … Read more

Our View: Services aren't what adds to homelessness

Portland business leaders should be less worried about what would happen if the city did step up its response to homelessness than what would happen if it didn’t. Portland already attracts people from around the state and from other states who need housing and other services. As the homeless population expands, the city has more … Read more

Letter: Portland has not ignored homelessness

I think it is critical to challenge several comments made by my colleague David Wagner about the Task Force to Prevent and End Homelessness. Although homelessness in Portland reflects the record numbers seen in urban centers across the country, it is not indicative of a lack of response in Cumberland County. In fact, in addition … Read more

Death of homeless woman poses hard questions

When did we stop caring about Toina Hanson? It had to have been long before Aug. 4, when her skeleton was found by a berry picker in the woods by the Stroudwater neighborhood. We say she was 31 but she probably died before her last birthday, since police say her body may have been lying … Read more

Task force focuses on plight of homeless

PORTLAND – More than 50 people turned out Thursday night for a public hearing on homelessness as a city task force works toward a strategic plan that reflects “the heart of the community.” The hearing in the Portland Public Library’s Rines Auditorium was the first held by the city’s Task Force on Homelessness, which was … Read more