Free Summer Food Programs Looking to Increase Participation

PORTLAND, Maine – Summer is a time for kids to get a break from school and have some fun. But it’s also a time when hunger can become a problem, as kids don’t have access to school breakfast and lunch programs. Maine has hundreds of summer meal sites where kids can get free lunches throughout … Read more

Local Hero – Michelle Lamm, Maine Hunger Initiative

Localvores, meet Michelle Lamm. She’s the Program Manager for the Maine Hunger Initiative, based out of the Preble Street Resource Center. Maine has the 5th highest rate of low food security in the US, and the highest in New England. Michelle works to make sure that kids in need have access to free food throughout … Read more

Portland summer meals program feeds students' bodies, minds

PORTLAND – For most students, summer is a time for nice weather, getting outside, and most importantly, no school. But it may also mean a time of struggle for students who rely on the schools for one or two meals a day. Ron Adams, the former food service director for Portland Public Schools, said more … Read more

Portland picnic aims to combat food insecurity

PORTLAND, Maine – Deering Oaks park was buzzing Thursday with the playful chatter of about 150 children and their parents, who showed up to enjoy a free collaborative picnic that aimed to nourish bodies and minds and combat a growing problem in Maine: food insecurity. According to several the organizers of the event, including Donna … Read more

Free summer lunch program expanded in Portland

PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) — Many low income families rely on free or reduced cost lunches for their kids during the school year. When the school year ends, those kids are at risk of going hungry. An event was held at Deering Oaks Park to let families know that this year there are 18 locations … Read more

Homeless advocates sit out to raise awareness

PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) — Homelessness Advocates are using the extra hours of sunlight at this time of year to raise awareness in Portland. Friday marks the 8th annual Longest Day of Homelessness Summer Solstice and advocates and community members are holding the sit out at Post Office Park Many of the advocates have been … Read more

Portland 'Sit In' Aims to Shed Light on Plight of Homeless

PORTLAND, Maine – Homeless advocates from around the state are today holding their annual “sit out” in downtown Portland. The event known as the “Longest Day Vigil” takes place from sunrise until sunset and is intended to draw attention to the realities of being homeless. Among those taking part is 22-year-old Tim Katruch, originally from … Read more

Maine Voices: We must not allow Portland’s budget cuts to put more people on the streets

Last Tuesday, more than 200 people showed up in front of Portland City Hall to demonstrate their opposition to disturbing policy changes embedded in the draft municipal budget. These policy changes abandon the city of Portland’s 28-year commitment to provide emergency shelter for anyone who needs it. If this budget passes, there will be no … Read more

Our View: Portland should not cut homeless shelter funding

It’s not the city of Portland’s fault that more homeless people line up outside the Oxford Street Shelter than the building can hold. It’s not Portland’s fault that the family shelter also faces more demand than it can accommodate. It’s not Portland’s fault that the governor of Maine has decided to make the city the … Read more

Feeding a child is easy, but ending childhood hunger takes work from all of us

Each day thousands of Maine children go to school hungry. In fact, Maine is first in New England for food insecurity among our school-aged children. The long-term consequences of food insecurity are devastating. Without enough food, children have trouble concentrating, they struggle to retain information they learn, and they are more likely to have disciplinary … Read more