Maine Democrats Bending to Public Pressure for Welfare Reform

AUGUSTA, Maine – Democratic lawmakers may be feeling some pressure to take a harder line against welfare fraud following an election cycle that saw Republicans advance in the House and Senate after campaigning on welfare reform. One Democratic leader has signed on to welfare reform bills, and Republicans have renewed efforts to make it easier … Read more

General Assistance offers a fresh start

As an asylum seeker here in Maine, I am a believer in human rights for all people, and my efforts to work for human rights forced me to leave the only home I ever knew. I began to receive threats against my life when I was involved in the Global Youth Anticorruption Network as an … Read more

Didn’t come to America to get GA

In 1994, civil war broke out in my homeland, Rwanda. Like many others, I was routinely tortured and feared for my safety and my life. My only option was to escape the political insecurity and ethnic conflict that consumed my home country. I came to Maine in 2007, with a bachelor’s degree and five years … Read more

Maine immigrants speak out against welfare reform bills

AUGUSTA – Lawmakers on the Legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee listened to more than four hours of testimony Wednesday on a half dozen bills sponsored by state Sen. Eric Brakey, R-Auburn, aimed at making major changes to the state’s welfare and General Assistance programs. Among other things, Brakey’s bills would make those who have … Read more

Tighter rules for General Assistance in Maine divide crowd at hearing

… Antonie Bikamba, who fled political persecution and torture in his native Rwanda in 2007, said he relied on General Assistance for roughly a year until receiving a federal work permit. He ultimately went back to school, earned a master’s degree in conflict resolution and now works as a caseworker at Preble Street, a nonprofit … Read more

Maine Calling: Human Trafficking

Combating sex trafficking internationally and in Maine. Guests: Ruchira Gupta, Founder and President of ApneAap Women Worldwide , a grassroots organization that has helped thousands of women access safe housing, education, job training and other resources. Meg Elam, Assistant District Attorney, Cumberland County Fiona Mason, Director of Social Work, Preble Street dee Clarke, trafficking survivor … Read more

Commentary: Maine needs new way to fund emergency homeless shelters

Every night, hundreds of our neighbors across Maine have no place to call their own. Sleeping in the woods, under bridges, or anywhere they can, these forgotten souls are engaged in a constant fight for survival. But their fight is our fight, because here in Maine we understand the importance of working together to improve … Read more

Full Plates, Full Potential

"There are 87,000 children in Maine who may not know where their next meal is coming from," says John Woods. Woods, 49, is working to solve that problem-and he’s asking his friends to help. It is a rare person who leaves a conversation with Woods without an assigned task. This was the case when, on … Read more

We should return the favor to our veterans, expand health coverage

While millions of Americans have health insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act, Maine’s uninsured rate is increasing. Far too many still can’t afford coverage, go without needed medical care and face financial ruin if struck by unexpected illness. One large uninsured group is veterans. Brave men and women who defended our country and fought … Read more