Human Trafficking Awareness Month

Throughout Maine, children and adults of all genders, ages, and races are forced by sexual, physical, and psychological coercion or violence to do all kinds of work, including farm labor, domestic service, sex work, and restaurant and hospitality service. This is human trafficking, a crime of exploitation that can and does impact every community. In Maine, sex … Read more

Welcome to the Preble Street Healing Center

The Preble Street Healing Center — set to open this summer — will offer comprehensive services and activities to support survivors of human trafficking in finding safety, freedom, and the opportunity to reclaim their lives. It may be surprising to learn that human trafficking is happening in Maine. Victims are children and adults of all genders who are … Read more

Survivor Rapid Rehousing Project Grant

For survivors of human trafficking, a key part of the journey to healing is safe and stable housing. Thanks to a $297K grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Preble Street Anti-Trafficking Services (ATS) will be able to provide this critical resource to even more survivors. The grant funds the new statewide Survivor Rapid Rehousing … Read more

Anti-trafficking service awarded $500,000

The Department of Justice awarded $100 million to help victims and combat human trafficking across the country. Preble Street’s Anti-Trafficking Services will get $500,000 over a three-year period. Those services have already helped 200 people in Maine since it began in 2013, according to Preble Street. In the last year, staff saw a 20% increase … Read more

Initiative focuses on those in grip of trafficking, hidden in plain sight

Preble Street is striving to raise awareness of sexual and labor exploitation and help survivors reclaim their lives. Myriad obstacles stand in the way of well-being and independence for the people Preble Street serves. But for few are the barriers as brutal as for the survivors of human trafficking with whom Preble Street Anti-Trafficking Services works. … Read more

Preble Street Helps Identify Crime of Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is not a new crime, but it has recently prompted heightened attention and action among social services, legal services, law enforcement, and the general public. Human trafficking victims/survivors are forced or coerced — through sexual, physical, psychological violence, and/or torture — to perform a variety of labor including sex work, domestic services, childcare, … Read more

Hundreds gather to discuss problem of human trafficking in Maine

Hundreds attended the Health Care Response to Human Trafficking conference, put on by Preble Street Anti-Trafficking Services and community partners. “We’re here to really raise awareness and to build connection between the health services field and anti-trafficking efforts across the state,” said Fiona Mason, Chief Program Officer for Preble Street. “So we’re really trying to … Read more

Advocates push for law to vacate convictions of human-trafficking victims

Survivors of human trafficking rallied Thursday in Augusta to increase public awareness about forced laborers or sex workers in Maine and to advocate for a bill allowing trafficking victims to have criminal convictions vacated. They were joined by representatives from Maine nonprofit organizations including Preble Street Anti-Trafficking Services. Read more…

Fighting Human Trafficking

It is happening here in Maine and many people are not aware of it. We are talking about human trafficking, and it comes in many forms. Fiona Mason and Donna Yellen from Preble Street’s Anti-trafficking Coalition join us to talk about this problem in our state. Feel free to ask questions and we will try … Read more

Maine Voices: Those trapped by human traffickers can benefit from Preble Street program

A recently published article (“Trafficking victims turn to hotline with pleas for help,” Oct. 1) spoke to the horrors of human trafficking and the important efforts of the National Human Trafficking Hotline in reaching survivors. The highest volume of calls coming through the hotline originate from big cities, but trafficking can and does happen everywhere, to women … Read more