Giving is bountiful for Portland food pantry

The United Way of Greater Portland wrapped up a food pantry project with Preble Street with better-than-expected results, collecting donations that provided needy people with 23,200 meals. The two organizations more than doubled their expected contributions, receiving 860 boxes of food instead of an anticipated 400 boxes, with each box supplying about 27 meals. Elena … Read more

New Hunger Coalition to help growing number of families in need

PORTLAND (NEWS CENTER) — A new coalition of businesses, farmers, food pantries and people who use them has formed to collectively combat the growing problem of hunger in Maine. Maine is experiencing a sad and shocking distinction: in the last few years, we’ve had the largest increase in the country in the number of families … Read more

More work needed to combat hunger in Maine

PORTLAND-One recent morning, a mother took her two young boys out for breakfast and "chose" the busiest place in town. Seventy-nine people were already standing in line, 220 more followed. It was cold and drizzly, and the boys huddled next to their mom, waiting at the Preble Street Soup Kitchen door. Heroic work happens every … Read more

Help on the way for Maine food pantries

PORTLAND (NEWS CENTER) — The United Way of Greater Portland has teamed up with the Preble Street Resource Center to raise 275-thousand dollars to replenish the shelves of food pantries statewide. It’s called Food For ME. A number of corporate sponsors have made generous donations, says the United Way’s Meg Baxter. They include the King … Read more