Addressing unsheltered homelessness in Maine

No one should have to live outside, but that is what is happening to an unprecedented number of Mainers right now. In Portland, the Parks Department recently counted 102 tents set up by people experiencing homelessness — a new record for the area. The encampment on the Bayside Trail is a visual representation of the fact … Read more

TAKE ACTION: Tell legislators to fund Site-based Housing First in Maine!

This coming Tuesday, April 4, the Housing Committee will hold a public hearing on LD 2: An Act to Address Maine’s Housing Crisis. This legislation sponsored by Speaker Rachel Talbot Ross will provide funding for the 24-hour-a-day supportive services that make Site-based Housing First a successful solution for people with complex needs experiencing chronic homelessness. … Read more

Legislative priorities – let’s take action!

Detailed description of Preble Street legislative priorities for the short session of the 131st session of the Maine Legislature.  Hunger and homelessness are on the rise in our state, leaving thousands of fellow Mainers without enough food and without shelter or housing. Lack of available housing and shelter opportunities leaves many experiencing homelessness with no … Read more

Letter from Swannie: Curbside Winter 2022/23

For anyone paying attention over these last few years, it’s become abundantly clear that emergency shelters for people experiencing homelessness are an important part of the public health infrastructure. Shelters didn’t close during the pandemic. Shelter staff and our partners in the healthcare industry did not work remotely. We stayed open, and, in many cases, … Read more

Housing First: A Solution to Homelessness

Steve “Boomer” Littlefield is 67 years old. For 45 of those years, he experienced chronic homelessness and alcohol use disorder, sleeping mostly outside after some bad experiences in shelters. He survived the frigid Maine winters and nights thanks to his resourcefulness and a sleeping bag that protected him down to -65 degrees. He and hisfriends … Read more