What does Harm Reduction look like at Preble Street?

“I am a human being. Part of my job, part of being alive, is making sure others are, too.” Joe Kreisler, Preble Street Founder Every ten days, a client at one of Preble Street’s programs experiences an overdose. Preble Street staff respond to these overdoses, reversing as many as possible, saving lives, and compassionately utilizing … Read more

Preventing youth from becoming unhoused

One of the most important things we can do for young people experiencing difficult, unsafe, or unstable situations is to find alternative options to entering emergency shelter. The impact of diverting youth from spending even just one night in a shelter bed can make a significant impact over their lifetime. “Once someone accesses emergency shelter, … Read more

Teen Services opens Transitional Living Program in Biddeford

The sun is peaking through the clouds on an overcast March day, and boots can be heard squishing and squealing in the muddy ground. The Preble Street Teen Services team move furniture into the building that will become Preble Street’s new site-based Transitional Living Program (TLP) for youth in Biddeford. The staff smiles and laughs, as … Read more

What is McKinney-Vento? Ensuring students experiencing homelessness have access to supports through school

According to the Maine Housing Authority, on a given night in Maine, roughly ~4,250 people are experiencing homelessness. Of those people, 55% are part of households with at least one child. While not always as visible, clearly homelessness and housing instability is a problem experienced by youth, teens, and children. It should not be a … Read more

Preble Street Teen Services Named Beach to Beacon Beneficiary

In February 2024, TD Bank made the exciting announcement that Preble Street Teen Services will be the beneficiary of the 26th running of the TD Beach to Beacon 10K Road Race in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. This year’s race will take place on Saturday, August 3, 2024. “Preble Street Teen Services provides critical support to teens in need in our community.” … Read more

Raising Awareness of Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking Awareness & Prevention Month January is Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention month, a time to refocus our efforts to educate people about what trafficking looks like and who it impacts. Hailey Virusso, Director of Anti-Trafficking Services, shared in the Portland Press Herald this month, “While there is no singular picture or face of human … Read more

10 Things to Know about Youth Homelessness in Maine

November is National Homeless Youth Awareness Month. Educate yourself and your community about the issue of youth homelessness and what we can do to end it in Maine!  In 2023, at least 1,500 youth and young adults experienced the tragedy of homelessness; in fact, more than 30% of Maine’s homeless population is under the age of … Read more

Young and on their own in Maine

“Most youth who are accessing our services have fled their home because it felt unsafe in some way. That may have been extreme substance abuse in the home, it may have been some sort of physical, emotional or sexual violence,” said Leah McDonald, the Preble Street Teen Services Program Director. “They’ve gotten to a place … Read more