Stop discrimination based on homelessness!

People experiencing homelessness describe experiencing discrimination from landlords, employers, and in their daily routines. LD 1871 helps them document those discriminatory acts with the Maine Human Rights Commission to formally lodge discrimination complaints. This bill extends the original Dignity Pilot, a program to document discrimination against people who are unhoused, by two years. The hearing … Read more

Support LD 174 to End Hunger in Maine!

In commemoration of Preble Street Maine Hunger Initiative’s 14th anniversary and its long history of collaborating with partners to end hunger in Maine, please lend your voice and support to ensure the passage of significant anti-hunger legislation!  LD 174: An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Ending Hunger by 2030 Advisory Group will help ensure all Mainers have consistent access … Read more

Tell Senator Collins to support the Freedom to Vote Act!

In light of the anniversary of the assault on U.S. democracy on January 6, 2020 and the upcoming celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, please write or call Senator Susan Collins and urge her to support the Freedom to Vote Act! This critical legislation will address voter registration and voting access, election integrity and security, … Read more

CURRENT ACTION: Say YES to Build Back Better!

The Senate is set to vote on The Build Back Better package, which includes crucial investments in families, child nutrition, healthcare and affordable housing. Tell Susan Collins to support this critical legislation! Build Back Better will: save most American families more than half of their spending on childcare deliver two years of free preschool for … Read more

Make sure you vote this Election Day, November 2!

Your vote in this year’s elections will have important impacts on your local community! The candidates who are elected will soon have the power to make decisions about shelter services, the substance use epidemic, affordable housing, social safety net spending, mental healthcare availability, and other issues that have a direct impact on the lives of … Read more

CURRENT ACTION: Housing is a Human Right

At Preble Street we know that #HousingIsAHumanRight, and we are so excited to see federal legislation that seeks to ensure that every person has safe, dignified housing!   Congresswomen Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) and Grace Meng (NY-06) have recently introduced the Housing Is a Human Right Act, which provides more than $300 billion for crucial housing infrastructure while increasing affordable … Read more

ACT TODAY to ensure that Mainers have access to life-saving resources!

ACT TODAY to ensure that Mainers have access to life-saving resources! Contact Congressman Jared Golden and tell him to co-sponsor the Closing the Meal Gap Act of 2021 and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Restoration Act of 2021! Food insecurity and hunger have risen in Maine and throughout the country since the pandemic began. The Closing … Read more