Discrimination Against Homelessness Pilot Project

Have you or someone you know experienced discrimination based on your housing status? Last year, Homeless Voices for Justice successfully advocated for the passage of the Discrimination Against Homelessness Pilot Project, which directs the Maine Human Rights Commission (MHRC) to collect complaints of discrimination based on housing status. This includes complaints that a person was … Read more

Tell the Portland City Council: NO SHELTER MORATORIUM

Update June 4: The attempt to pass a moratorium on shelters in Portland needed 7 City Councilor votes to pass as an emergency measure. It failed by one vote. Now we have a tougher road ahead. This Monday, June 7, the Portland City Council will vote again to institute a moratorium on emergency shelters in … Read more

IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED: Contact Portland City Council before Monday afternoon

UPDATE: New vote on June 7. Take action here. Today we learned that this Monday, May 17, the Portland City Council will vote whether to implement an immediate Emergency Shelter Moratorium in the Bayside neighborhood of Portland. We need you to call and email the Portland City Council IMMEDIATELY and tell them to vote no on this moratorium. It’s … Read more

Support LD 1478: An Act to Decriminalize Homelessness

At Preble Street, we know that the solution to homelessness is housing, not handcuffs. That is why we support LD 1478: An Act to Decriminalize Homelessness. Join us in telling the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety that they must pass this important legislation! Click here to send an email to the … Read more

Statement on Derek Chauvin Verdict and the Recent Murders of Black people, Indigenous people, and People of Color

Preble Street is relieved that Derek Chauvin has been held accountable for the murder of George Floyd. However, this verdict does not bring justice to Black communities, nor does it solve the centuries-long tradition of racist state violence in America. Yesterday, Andrew Brown, Jr. was killed by a police officer. In the last few weeks, … Read more

Help pass LD 996! Dental care IS health care!

This Monday, April 26, at 1 pm there is a public hearing for LD 996: An Act to Improve Dental Access for Maine Children and Adults with Low Incomes. Currently, Mainers with low-income over the age of 21 do not have access to preventative, diagnostic, and restorative dental services. This leaves them in pain with abscesses, tooth decay, … Read more

Support LD 1034!

TOMORROW, April 14, at 10am there will be a hearing on LD 1034: An Act to Provide Funding to Support the Permanent Commission on the Status of Racial, Indigenous and Maine Tribal Populations. The Coalition on Racial Equity (CORE) stated that, “The Permanent Commission was formed in 2019 to examine racial disparities across all systems … Read more

Contact legislators and tell them to support LD 211!

TOMORROW, March 17, the Maine State Committee on Labor and Housing will vote whether to send LD 211: An Act to Support Emergency Shelter Access for Persons Experiencing Homelessness to the full legislature. This critical legislation would allocate $3 million in additional funding to homeless shelters in Maine, allowing them to provide life-saving services to … Read more