What can you do in one year? A look at Preble Street impacts in 2023: Curbside Winter 2023/24

Three Preble Street programs celebrated their first year of operation in 2023! Elena’s Way, a Preble Street Wellness Shelter Elena’s Way serves the needs of individuals experiencing unsheltered homelessness, individuals unable to access other shelter services, and individuals who are extremely vulnerable should they be unsheltered. At Elena’s Way, guests have control of their own … Read more

November is Youth Homelessness Month

“I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for the Teen Center.” Tricia  After the last Point in Time count in January 2022, there were 3455 people experiencing homelessness in Maine and approximately 30% of that population was under the age of 24. Homeless youth experience higher levels of human trafficking, interpersonal … Read more

Maree Young: Most prolific delivery volunteer!

It’s no exaggeration to say that Preble Street’s pandemic-era transition to a production and delivery model of food service would not have been possible without the community members who have offered their time, energy, and even their vehicles to ensure that meals prepared at the Food Security Hub make it into the hands of the … Read more

Celebrating Volunteers

Celebrating Volunteers Volunteers are critical to the work that we do here at Preble Street! When they help create meals at the Food Security Hub or sort donations at the Receiving Center, their efforts truly contribute to every single Preble Street program. And the volunteers working the kitchens at Florence House and the Teen Center … Read more

Volunteer reflections

An incredible 1,108 volunteers donated over 13,500 hours of their time to Preble Street this year to help support Mainers experiencing hunger and homelessness! It takes many, many hands to accomplish all we do — including providing over 1 million meals each year and ensuring people living outside have the clothing and gear they need … Read more

Volunteer Appreciation is in the air!

Preble Street has top-tier volunteers, and this Volunteer Appreciation Week, we cannot thank them enough for their time, dedication, and love!   In the last year, over 1,000 individuals have volunteered with Preble Street, making a difference in the lives and hearts of staff and clients. We could not do the work we do without them! … Read more

Volunteer of the Month: Deborah

With hundreds of meals leaving the Preble Street Central Kitchen every day for our neighbors experiencing hunger, we depend on volunteer support to make sure everyone gets fed. We know we can always rely on Volunteer of the Month, Deborah, to help! Deborah has shown real leadership in the kitchen, helping staff guide other volunteers through the process … Read more

Volunteer of the Month: Paul

Many volunteers at the Preble Street Central Kitchen bring something special to the table, and Volunteer of the Month, Paul, is no exception! He recently offered to prepare a special Sichuan Beef dish and even donated some ingredients. “It was a different experience making it for 500 people, but I’m going to go ahead and … Read more

Volunteer of the Month: James

Preble Street Central Kitchen staff always look forward to Saturdays, because they know they’ll be cooking alongside January Volunteer of the Month, James. “He brings such warmth and kindness to the space,” they shared. “He is gentle and easy going and has become a really special part of our team.” James, pictured here with flowers … Read more


Thank you to the 3,000 volunteers who throughout the COVID-19 crisis have lent their hands and hearts to the people Preble Street serves. With your help, Preble Street handed out 1,000 Thanksgiving food boxes — filled with turkey fresh produce and ample ingredients for a full holiday feast — and tomorrow we will deliver van … Read more