Officials bust Maine sex trafficking operation

PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) — Officials have arrested three Gorham residents on sex trafficking charges, said Cumberland County Deputy District Attorney Tuesday. With the help of Preble Street Teen Center, police became aware late last week of a 19-year-old girl that Klein Fernandes, Tamika Dias and Jeremy Seeley exploited and required to engage in commercial … Read more

Maine starts to take on sex trafficking

PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) — Sex trafficking is a growing problem in Maine, as out-of-state pimps target 12- to 24-year-old women, promising them love, money or drugs, and delivering shame, abuse and humiliation. Experts say the crime is difficult to prosecute because victims often are embarrassed or frightened to come forward. They may also have … Read more

Experts say sex trafficking is growing in Maine

PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) — When you look at sex trafficking in Maine by the numbers, it doesn’t seem like that big an issue. The National Human Trafficking Resource Center reports getting 180 calls from Maine in the past 5 years. 25 of those are known cases of sex trafficking. That is, officials can prove … Read more

Data on Maine sex trafficking elusive as officials try to gauge its extent

“Sex trafficking? We’re in Maine,” Cumberland County Deputy District Attorney Megan Elam said, describing the sentiment among local law enforcement just a few years ago. “There’s a little shame going around among prosecutors and police officers about how naive we were.” Sex trafficking has been a little-understood crime in Maine, for a variety of reasons. … Read more

New grant to help Maine victims of sex trafficking

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Portland’s Preble Street Resources Center is getting a $400,000 grant to help young women escape from sex trafficking. The social services agency will begin receiving the first $200,000 installment of the two-year grant from the Department of Justice this fall. Part of it will be used to develop a statewide network … Read more

New grant helps fight sex trafficking in Maine

PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) – Preble Street is putting together a major initiative to fight human trafficking in Southern Maine — thanks to a $400,000 grant from the federal government. The 2-year grant was announced at a news conference Monday morning. Preble Street reports its informal survey of clients at the Preble Street Teen Center … Read more

Portland coalition takes aim at human trafficking

PORTLAND – A coalition led by social service agency Preble Street has received a $400,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice to provide services for victims of human trafficking in Cumberland and York counties. With the two-year grant, the Preble Street Anti-Trafficking Coalition will provide outreach, health and legal services, case management and other … Read more

Portland agency gets grant to help human trafficking victims

An agency in Portland that assists the homeless and those with low incomes has received a $400,000 federal grant to support a coalition that will provide services to victims of human trafficking in southern Maine. Preble Street Executive Director Mark Swann says sex trafficking and exploitation, along with labor trafficking, are growing problems in York … Read more

Preble Street receives grant to fight sex trafficking

Preble Street will use a $400,000 federal grant to establish services for prostitution victims in Maine. Daniella Cameron, supervisor of Preble Street Teen Services, said sex trafficking – usually involving homeless girls coerced by men into prostitution – isn’t something that the victims will talk about unless asked the right questions in the right way. … Read more

Maine efforts to combat human trafficking get federal funding

Advocates for homeless teenagers and young people with disabilities in southern Maine say a $400,000 federal grant will help dedicate resources for young people who have been coerced into trading sex for money or a place to sleep. The two-year grant from the Department of Justice to Preble Street allocates funds directly to help victims … Read more