Invisible homelessness: Maine teens on the streets

(NEWS CENTER) — Maine is at the heart of a national study that many will find hard to believe. More than 2,000 young people in Maine have no home and find themselves scrambling for shelter, food and respect. Even during the harshest of Maine’s winter months, there are thousands who live outside—under bridges, in the … Read more

Maine Democrats Bending to Public Pressure for Welfare Reform

AUGUSTA, Maine – Democratic lawmakers may be feeling some pressure to take a harder line against welfare fraud following an election cycle that saw Republicans advance in the House and Senate after campaigning on welfare reform. One Democratic leader has signed on to welfare reform bills, and Republicans have renewed efforts to make it easier … Read more

Ten Mainers We're Thankful For: Daniella Cameron

Daniella Cameron’s job is not one many would want. She helps women who are victims of crimes that most clients don’t want to talk about and are often too ashamed to admit. Cameron works with vulnerable women who have been coerced by abusive men into prostitution, often referred to as sex trafficking. As the manager … Read more

New Faces and Promotions in Preble Street Teen Services

New Faces  Kristin Doneski joined Preble Street as teen services supervisor. Doneski, of Portland, will work with homeless youths to help them develop life skills that promote long-term stability. She previously worked at Larkin Street Youth Services in San Francisco.  Promotions Charlotte DeTroy was promoted to supervisor of Preble Street Teen Services First Place Transitional … Read more

Making Winter Break Matter

Students who participated in this year’s Alternative Winter Break came together recently for a dinner to reflect on their experiences. Each January, student leaders organize AWB trips to take their peers into Maine communities to volunteer during the last week of winter break. Ryan Davis ’15 and Tenzin Tsagong ’16 led a week-long trip that … Read more

Maine partners dedicated to ending chronic homelessness by 2015

Autumn is a beautiful time to enjoy the natural beauty of the Maine coast, so it was exciting to receive an invitation from the Maine Affordable Housing Coalition and the Maine State Housing Authority to participate in their annual conference. We were thrilled to see that the conference planners included a workshop track on the … Read more

Shifting perceptions of prostitution

Victims of sex trafficking in Maine might call themselves prostitutes. Their pimps and those buying their sex might call them prostitutes. But if they are not prostituting themselves by choice, they are victims. Their pimps, who control their behavior, often with violence, threats and drugs, are the criminals. On Thursday, Gov. Paul LePage held a … Read more