Wellness Shelter

OVERVIEW Shelter is a human right. The number of unsheltered people in Portland has surged. The chilling reality in our city is that homelessness is increasing while shelters are disappearing. At Preble Street, we see firsthand the devastating physical and mental toll of homelessness, and we’re here to provide space and services for our neighbors … Read more

Health Services

OVERVIEW People experiencing homelessness face devastating physical and mental health consequences. They have higher rates of chronic illness and a life expectancy that is an average of 28 years shorter than people who are housed. These individuals also face high barriers to accessing critical healthcare and often delay seeking treatment. Best practices in engaging this population … Read more

Landlords Help


LANDLORDS CAN HELP END HOMELESSNESS IN MAINE Homelessness in Maine continues to increase due in part to the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic and the affordable housing crisis. In the first year of the pandemic, the amount of time it took to connect people experiencing homelessness to housing extended from an average of 86 … Read more

highlights from the 2016 annual meeting

Housing Services

2016 Annual Celebration Thirty-five southern Maine faith communities received the 2016 Community Partner Award. Thirty-five southern Maine faith communities received the Community Partner Award at the Preble Street annual meeting on June 21. The Very Rev. Dr. Benjamin Shambaugh, dean of the Cathedral Church of St. Luke and member of the Preble Street board of … Read more


Careers at Preble Street For nearly 50 years, Preble Street has been working to empower people experiencing problems with homelessness, housing, hunger, and poverty, and advocating for solutions to these problems. We believe in our approach of combining social work services with public policy advocacy and education, working relentlessly for social and economic justice.  Preble … Read more

Matthew’s Story

The first time Matthew experienced homelessness was when he was 14. He was living in the woods of rural Maine in a tent by himself. Depression about his situation led to substance use, which led to more depression, and he went a decade without seeing or speaking with his family. When he finally connected to … Read more

Anti-Trafficking Services

PREBLE STREET ANTI-TRAFFICKING SERVICES Preble Street Anti-Trafficking Services (ATS) paves the way forward to healing, growth, self-sufficiency, and a life free from coercion and exploitation. Since 2013, Preble Street ATS and its partners have provided services to people of all ages and genders who have been forced into all types of human trafficking — people … Read more

Teen Services

TEEN SERVICES Preble Street Teen Services provides low-barrier access to shelter, food, basic needs, casework, mental health supports, education and employment services, and a variety of housing options for youth experiencing homelessness between the ages of 12-24 in Maine. We are proud to work alongside young people who are the experts of their own experiences and to support … Read more


ADVOCATING FOR SOLUTIONS Read Preble Street’s Legislative Priorities for the regular session of the 132nd Maine legislature here. Preble Street is committed to motivating both the public and private will to end hunger, homelessness, and poverty in the lives of our neighbors and to building strong, equitable, and just communities.  Healthy communities depend on dignity, … Read more