Portland City Council approves homeless shelter task force

PORTLAND – The future of city homeless shelters will be examined and evaluated by a new task force created by a unanimous vote of city councilors Monday. Councilors also approved easements to allow installation of natural gas lines to the Portland Technology Park off Rand Road near the Maine Turnpike, but postponed signing a two-part … Read more

Years in a Homeless Shelter, Despite Thousands in the Bank: One Man's Story

PORTLAND, Maine – A recent audit of Portland’s homeless shelters has highlighted what some state officials say is mismanagement of General Assistance funds. At issue is a city policy that allows some long-term shelter residents with substantial savings in the bank to access services. Homeless advocates and city representatives say the state is oversimplifying a … Read more

Portland leaders fire back at LePage claims of aid mismanagement

PORTLAND, Maine – Portland Democrats and social services leaders came out swinging Friday morning, saying a recent state audit claiming the city mismanages its General Assistance program is part of a "coordinated attack" on the liberal city by Maine’s conservative governor and his administration. State Sen. Justin Alfond, D-Portland, led a news conference outside the … Read more

New program gives homeless teens second chance

PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) — Nate Labrecque has called the Preble Street Shelters in Portland home for the past three years. After losing his mom as a young child and other family living situations failing him, he ended up on the streets. He had no money for a place of his own so a fold … Read more

On the Radio: Mark Swann

Mark Swann is the Executive Director of Preble Street, a Portland Organization that finds solutions for those who are experiencing homelessness, hunger and poverty. A finalist for the Congressional Medal of Honor, 51-year-old Swann has been with Preble Street for 23 years.  You were one of our earliest guests when you first came on Love … Read more

Hunger stories come out of hiding

CASCO – The person who worries about being hungry, who doesn’t always have enough food or enough money to pay for food during the entire month – that person could be your neighbor. It was a neighbor, a resident of Sweden, who stood before the microphone at a recent fundraiser for area food pantries and … Read more

Congress needs to act so Maine’s LGBT homeless youth can get help

Not many issues are bipartisan these days, but thankfully, ending youth homelessness is one of them. In July, Sen. Susan Collins, along with Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, introduced critical legislation that reauthorizes the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act, or RHYA, which provides critical support to organizations such as Preble Street that in turn help some … Read more

Plan to Restrict SNAP Benefits in Maine Meets Strong Opposition

AUGUSTA, Maine – Advocates for the low-income, veterans and the homeless turned out in Augusta to express their strong opposition to a proposal from the Department of Health and Human Services to cut off food stamps or SNAP benefits to able-bodied, childless adults after three months unless they work 20 hours a week, volunteer or … Read more

Panhandling on the Rise

The shrewdness of panhandling on a median strip at a busy intersection is that it places the panhandler on the driver’s side of vehicles when they stop at red lights. Cities all over the country have seen a rise in recent years in roadside panhandlers, and Maine cities are no exception. Motorists in Portland have … Read more