Preble Street Rapid Re-Housing Program: Serves 100+ People, Saves Maine $1 Million

Preble Street, a nonprofit human service agency with programs throughout Maine, created its Rapid Re-Housing program (RRH) in 2020 to move more people from homelessness to permanent housing. Today, Preble Street announces that the program has officially served 101 individuals and families and housed 77 people. Nearly 90% of people housed through the program have remained stably housed. “We are excited to have reached the milestone of 100 participants … Read more

CURRENT ACTION: Housing is a Human Right

At Preble Street we know that #HousingIsAHumanRight, and we are so excited to see federal legislation that seeks to ensure that every person has safe, dignified housing!   Congresswomen Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) and Grace Meng (NY-06) have recently introduced the Housing Is a Human Right Act, which provides more than $300 billion for crucial housing infrastructure while increasing affordable … Read more

Permanent housing for 56 veterans and their families

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Jen Tibbals 207-775-0026 x1117 Preble Street Receives Grant from Disabled Veterans National Foundation PORTLAND, ME (December 11, 2020) Preble Street Veterans Housing Services (VHS) assists veterans and their families in finding and maintaining stable housing and works to end homelessness among veterans throughout Maine. VHS services include case management, intensive … Read more

Rapid Re-Housing


RAPID RE-HOUSING The Preble Street Rapid Re-Housing program (RRH) is an evidence-based intervention that uses casework and financial assistance to help individuals and families experiencing homelessness return to housing quickly and not become homeless again in the near future. RRH is a short-term, intensive, housing-focused intervention with three components: housing identification, move-in support, and rent assistance. Participants work … Read more

Teen Housing

TEEN HOUSING Youth and young adults who are experiencing homelessness not only lose their home, but often also lose their community, friends, family and any sense of stability, predictability and safety in their lives. More than a quarter of homeless adults first experienced homelessness as children or teens.  Preble Street Teen Housing programs provide youth … Read more

Veterans Housing Services


VETERANS HOUSING SERVICES Statewide services in Maine with offices inBangor, Lewiston, and Portland! Veteran homelessness is a solvable problem. To learn more about how you can help, visit Too many Veterans stay in Maine homeless shelters. Others sleep in abandoned buildings or in the woods because they have no home. They are this nation’s forgotten … Read more

Housing Services

Housing Services

OVERVIEW Preble Street is committed to providing safe, affordable, permanent housing and support to people experiencing chronic homelessness in Maine. Our services are based on approaches to homelessness and chronic mental illness that have emerged nationally as key strategies for ending homelessness combined with experience gained throughout our nearly 50-year history. Based on a pioneering … Read more

Survivor Rapid Rehousing Project Grant

For survivors of human trafficking, a key part of the journey to healing is safe and stable housing. Thanks to a $297K grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Preble Street Anti-Trafficking Services (ATS) will be able to provide this critical resource to even more survivors. The grant funds the new statewide Survivor Rapid Rehousing … Read more